Thursday, February 12, 2015

Make the most of mobile marketing and Google

Advertising your business successfully using mobile marketing requires time, patience and Google know how. If you are not incorporating Google in your marketing, start right now. The king of online search has an arsenal of tools available to grow your business. Don't be in a hurry and take the Rome was not built in a day approach and give it time. Many business owners search online for the latest and greatest marketing system if the one they are using don't work right away. The term I use for this is SOS or shiny object syndrome. As you have seen all over the internet, mobile phone marketing is burning up the web with no end in sight. Marketers and business owners are scrambling to get the latest and greatest hyped up information about making money with mobile marketing. Being a mobile marketer I always look for new ways to inform my clients about new technology. It really ticks me off when I encounter a flashy website with all this hype about a new launch of the greatest mobile marketing business ever. Every so often I buy one just to check it out. I came across one just the other night that was just another network marketing company in disguise. They claimed to have the best pay plan, but in reality it was just another hype company trying to get your money. Over the years I have tried one shiny object after another and discovered something. The one with the simple plan was the one that worked the best. To many marketers go from one big launch to another only to be disappointed in the end. In fact I got so fed up with all the rehashed launches, That I did some research and made my own successful mobile marketing plan. One of the best places I stopped is the Google website and looked up mobile marketing. Google will give you most everything you need to make a successful campaign using smart phones and it is free. Google does not have everything for mobile marketing, but there are a couple of places that you can look to get some great ideas to combine smart phones and Google. After months of research and late nights the plan came together. In all reality putting together a marketing plan for mobile phones was simple once I had all the pieces together. No matter what plan you decide to use keep it simple. Join our marketing club here

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